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English-Hindi > dear sir

dear sir meaning in Hindi

dear sir sentence in Hindi
माननीय महोदय

प्रिय महोदय
dear    उँची कीमत में
sir    बहादुर महाशय
1.Dear sir, Whilst surfing, I came across your site regarding Earl Haig.

2.Dear sirs, the article was deleted because of " copyright violations ".

3.:: : I see he means a talk page message, my dear sir.

4.Dear Sir, I am very delighted to join you on wikipedia.

5.Turning to Tourtelot, he added, " Thou protesteth too much, dear sir ."

6.If my Dear Sir that Man is not crushed before Spring,

7.Dear Sir / Madam, I have one question regarding the slipsafe draft article.

8.Perhaps " Dear Sir " is buried in one of them.

9.Dear Sir or Madam, I ask around review from this article.

10.If we have been lacking in civility, you got that ball rolling, dear sir.

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How to say dear sir in Hindi and what is the meaning of dear sir in Hindi? dear sir Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.